Yellow Jacket® Solar Pile Sleeve

Yellow Jacket Solar Pile Sleeves logoYellow Jacket Solar Pile Sleeves help prevent damage to solar panel W piles from frost heave. The Yellow Jacket solar pile sleeve is a prefabricated pile sleeve that provides a slip plane between the solar panel W pile and the soil. 

What is Frost Heave?

Frost heaving is an upwards swelling of soil during freezing conditions caused by an increasing presence of ice as it grows towards the surface from the depth in the soil where freezing temperatures have penetrated into the groundwater. 

In the case of solar panels supported by foundation piles, frozen soil can stick to the surface of the piles resulting in frost jacking. Frost jacking lifts the foundation, which then falls once the frost thaws. Repeated heaves and thaws can damage solar panels over time.

The Solar Pile Sleeve Solution

Yellow Jacket Solar Pile Sleeves are lightweight, flexible, and easy to install, increasing job productivity. There's no mess and no personnel exposure to potentially dangerous coatings. 

Advantages of using the Yellow Jacket Solar Pile Sleeve to prevent frost heave damage:

  • Not a Coating
  • Quick, Easy Installation
  • Requires No Special Construction Equipment
  • Safe
    Yellow Jacket Solar Model Details Jan 2024

Simple, Straightforward Installation

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